-50 %. +25 %. Prevents enemy submarine-launched torpedoes from homing. Jinan — Pan-Asian Tier X cruiser. Time before attack. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. +25 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. -50 %. Loss of power caused by engine breakdown. The maximum number of fires on a ship is reduced to three. 24. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Reload time reduction for all types of armament for each 1% of HP lost. Reload time reduction for all types of armament for each 1% of HP lost. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. -80 %. -50 %. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. +100 %. +25 %. -50 %. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. -50 %. Leaderboards, ships statistics and configurations, ranked and team battles and much much more. -50 %. 20,000,000. PCA n° 11 Mle 1. -50 %. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Chances of a fire being caused by a shell of a caliber of more than 160 mm, or an HE bombInertia Fuse for HE Shells. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. -50 %. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Smoke Generator Modification 1: Increases the action time of the Smoke Generator, Short-Burst Smoke Generator, and Crawling Smoke Generator consumables, but reduces smoke screen dGeorgia is loaded with so many gimmicks that any high tier Soviet, French, or Royal Navy battleship would be envious of her. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. You can open multiple ships in multiple tabs, see charts and diagrams,. Consumable action time. Propulsion: 92,000 hp. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. -50 %. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. +25 %. 139 mm/50 Mle 1934/1929 on an Mle 1935/1929 mount. 152 mm/55 Mle 1930 on an Mle 1930 mount. Z-44 — German special premium Tier IX destroyer. SDT 10 mod. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. +100 %. Priority sector is activated by pressing [CMD_SET_PRIORITY_SECTOR] while facing in the direction of attacking hostile aircraft. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Alcohol is a term used to refer to drinks that have the effect of getting you drunk. -50 %. -50 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Increases the action time of the Damage Control Party and Fast Damage Control Team consumables. -50 %. +25 %. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. -50 %. +25 %. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. The meaning of WOFT is Scottish variant of weft. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. +25 %. u/EdiblebugWith the Patrol Fighters or Interceptor consumables activated, the time it takes to start attacking hostile aircraft is reduced. WG's official response was given out, and while I'm not fully satisfied it's. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Reduces the risk of catching fire. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Propulsion: 220,000 hp. +25 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. With the ShipBuilder it is easy to save and load your builds. -50 %. Minimap API Support for Game Client 12. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Upgrades. -50 %. Increases the action time of the Damage Control Party and Fast Damage Control Team consumables. Reduces the risk of the main turrets, torpedo tubes, steering gears, and engine becoming incapacitated. The default range is 12 km for main batteries and 6 km for secondary batteries, but you can also adjust the range. Love words? You must — there are over 200,000 words in our free online dictionary, but you are looking for one that’s only in the. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. cost 6. 1. +25 %. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. The maximum number of fires on a ship is reduced to three. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. 1. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. -50 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. -50 %. At first, five Tier Xs was the only way to qualify. Priority sector is activated by pressing [CMD_SET_PRIORITY_SECTOR] while facing in the direction of attacking hostile aircraft. PCA n° 9 Mle 1. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. -50 %. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. 47 comments. -10 %. -50 %. ago. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. That whole copy paste thing is so annoying, really don't understand why they don't just implement a search function. -3 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. -50 %. 0. Your torpedoes are for dumping into gaps. -50 %. In 21 point cpt on Kleber I would not go without CE and RPF because than you lose tho much in DD hunter role ( and I love Kleber because of this ). You can see pretty much all characteristics of ships here, and you can even. -50 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Illinois is cracked, cruiser dpm with BB survivability. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. +25 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. +25 %. +25 %. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. -50 %. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. -50 %. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Increases the action time of the Damage Control Party and Fast Damage Control Team consumables. -50 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. -50 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. The maximum number of fires on a ship is reduced to three. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Reduces the risk of the main turrets, torpedo tubes, steering gears, and engine becoming incapacitated. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. -50 %. Completely restores engine boost for the last attack flight of the aircraft carrier's planes. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. +25 %. RESET LINES - BY NATION RESET LINES - BY XP Nation Ship XP Nation Ship XP Europe Halland 737,900 Japan Hakuryu 617,340 France Republique 874,670 Germany M V Richthofen 617,920 France Henry IV 739,670 U. If I can't have you, I don't want no one. While I did want some practice with code development, it was created mainly due to the frustration that the game didn't provide enough data nor let players simulate ship stats change on different equipments/skills (also using Doubloons for reset was the only way back then). Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Enhances ship parameters for each 1% of HP lost. -50 %. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. +25 %. -50 %. -50 %. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Enhances ship parameters for each 1% of HP lost. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Get in-depth with different ship parameters, with new peer compairisons to see ships outclass their contemporaries. +25 %. -50 %. Equipment. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. nginx A web app that allows you to check the stats and experiment with various builds of World of Warships ships. -50 %. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. +25 %. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. As you make me dance in the middle of the street. 1, 4 Despite the benefits they offer, better standards and. 533 mm Si 270 N. EM - Expert Marksman, which increases turret traverse rate - adds 2. Gdańsk. A warning about a salvo fired at your ship from a distance of more than 4. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. -78. In addition to carrying out its scientific mission, the NIH exemplifies and promotes the highest level of public accountability. Increases the action time of the Spotting Aircraft and Rapid Takeoff Spotter consumables. -50 %. +25 %. -50 %. Though not as strong as their parents, they are still dangerous. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. +10% Repair Party duration helps to heal back more fire damage and it gives one more heal. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Do the division and your guns need to be about 14. -50 %. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. A warning about a salvo fired at your ship from a distance of more than 4. +25 %. ; ↑ Since Update 0. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. -50 %. -50 %. -50 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. +25 %. +25 %. PCA n° 7 Mle 1. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. July 25, 2022. persists, try also clearing your browser's cache. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. +40 %. Damage Control System Modification 1. +25 %. -50 %. It’s a tool that allows you to have a look at the detailed parameters of all the ships present in the game. +25 %. The enemy player will be alerted that a bearing was taken on their ship. -50 %. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. -50 %. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Upgrades. stop in a smoke and get out quickly. -50 %. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. -50 %. Enhances ship parameters for each 1% of HP lost. _bonni_. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Propulsion: 176,000 hp. For more information, contact: Email Water Quality Team. This is just a battlecruiser build, optimized for offensive gameplay. Pretty much any tab in the Armoury or entry in the 'featured' tab is generally considered to be tied to an event. You should take appropriate precautions. -80 %. • 3 yr. -50 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. -50 %. The cheapest xp wise is the harugumo line, so if you want to fxp one definitely do that, it is also obviously the fastest to research too, and given the t7, t8 and t9 are all very good ships, they are a joy to grind. 20,000,000. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Increases the action time of the Smoke Generator, Short-Burst Smoke Generator, Crawling Smoke Generator, and Exhaust Smoke Generator consumables. 5 km. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Propulsion: 160,000 hp. -50 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. -50 %. -50 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. -50 %. I did the comparison in wowsft. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. -50 %. Engine Room Protection. In fact, the side panels are so useless that dectract from teh game: they give no info at all and consequntly occupy space on the screenfor no reason at all. 12 new Tier VIII researchable ships. -50 %. -50 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Guns may not look impressive,but they are. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Siegfried. -50 %. I don't want no one, want no one, want. Consumable action time. Priority sector is activated by pressing [CMD_SET_PRIORITY_SECTOR] while facing in the direction of attacking hostile aircraft. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Gascogne. +25 %. +25 %. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. -50 %. +50 %. -50 %. Enhances ship parameters for each 1% of HP lost. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. In-game, HSF Harekaze features three different hulls, each. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. -50 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Sucks as it was such a good site. The AP is solid and the HE is serviceable. 305 mm/50 Mle 1930 in a turret. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Victor Lima : Hurricane is approaching. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. eltreum. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. S. The first notable change is that Hayate has different main guns that fire the same shells but with a faster reload and better gun. -50 %. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. -50 %. com you can determine the development of World of Warships players. -50 %. -50 %. nginxWhen they get a rental for something like scharnhorst, belfast, kutuzov, etc. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. +25 %. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. ; ↑ Recognized game. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. For 2 points, Vigilance is also reasonable, as your torpedo belt is decent (40%) and you get more out of the bonus. Reduces the risk of the main turrets, torpedo tubes, steering gears, and engine becoming incapacitated. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Engine Boost Modification 1. +25 %. v0. g. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. You should take appropriate precautions. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. -50 %. World of Warships - Global wiki. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. -50 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. +25 %. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. AA mount survivability. While I did want some practice with code development, it was created mainly due to the frustration that the game didn't provide enough data nor let players simulate ship stats change on different equipments/skills (also using Doubloons for reset was the only way. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. -50 %. -50 %. PCA n° 8 Mle 1. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. AP at broadsides, HE at angled targets and DDs. Reduces the risk of the main turrets, torpedo tubes, steering gears, and engine becoming incapacitated. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. +20 %. HMS Renown was laid down in 1915 and entered service in September 1916. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. -50 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Increases the action time of the Spotting Aircraft and Rapid Takeoff Spotter consumables. -50 %. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. -50 %. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. -50 %. Tier 8 France Cruiser. Research of Hull (B) unlocks progression to Montana. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. The web app is optimized for desktop and mobile devices, but some users report bugs and issues. Upgrades. Welcome to WoWs‑Life.